爆裂折紙:バクレツオリガミ(Exploding ORIGAMI)


ようこそ、キノシタゴウの折紙世界(おりがみせかい)へ! まずは以下(いか)()んでください。
Welcome to the ORIGAMI world of Go KINOSHITA! First, read the following sentences.


All rights reserved by Go KINOSHITA. So I prohibit the following things.
Never restribute and make profit these photos, sentences, diagrams what you got (include uploading these contents on SNS)
If you fold my ORIGAMI works from my diagrams, and upload photos on SNS, please write "creator:Go KINOSHITA".
But even if you fold my ORIGAMI works, you must not make profit it.
I hope you fun my ORIGAMI in personal enjoyment. It's no problem. Please fold and fold!!

折図(おりず)について(About Diagrams)

Some my ORIGAMI diagrams (how to fold) are carrying my self-published books.
You can get these books in event named "COMITIA" or bookstore where I commissioned (click here).
I sometimes distribute other diagrams in JOAS convention when I teach my works.

◆お()()わせ(How to Contact)

取材(しゅざい)折紙関係(おりがみかんけい)依頼(いらい)、 また作品(さくひん)折図(おりず)使用(しよう)したいという(かた)は、 こちらまで。

以上(いじょう)、これらは折紙(おりがみ)のみならず、 創作物全般(そうさくぶつぜんぱん)におけるマナーとしてご理解(りかい)ください。
If you want to request interview about ORIGAMI, or use my ORIGAMI works and diagrams for business,
please contact with me. (I can't use English very well, but I'll effort to contact as well as I can.)

That's all. Understand these things.
I think these are morals not only ORIGAMI but also all creation.

inserted by FC2 system